How Dangerous Is Speeding?
Slow Down – Speeding Kills
You are running late and can’t stop looking at the clock in your car. As the minutes tick by, you start to press on the gas pedal. Do you know the risks of accelerating past the speed limit? Beyond criminal consequences, speeding can result in car accidents, injuries, and death.
According to the Nevada Departments of Public Safety and Transportation, speeding accounts for one-third of all traffic deaths in Nevada. Share the road responsibly and slow down because the dangers of speeding are severe.

Has a speed-related car accident injured you or a loved one? If the accident occurred in Nevada, contact an experienced Nevada personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer can help you protect your rights. Our team of lawyers and staff has experience handling all types of car accidents. This includes accidents involving motorcyclists, bicyclists, and drivers under the influence. Contact Anthem Injury Lawyers today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.
Does Speeding Impact Traffic Fatalities? – Dangers of Speeding
Speeding is a major motor vehicle safety issue. The National Safety Council reported that in 2018:
- Speeding was a factor in 26 percent of all traffic fatalities, killing 9,378 people. An average of over 25 people per day.
- The total number of fatal motor vehicle crashes attributable to speeding was 8,447.
- The proportion of speeding-related crashes decreased as the age of the driver increased.
- The proportion of female drivers who were speeding is smaller than male drivers across all age groups.
- Young male drivers aged 15 to 24-years-old were the most likely to be speeding at the time of fatal crashes. At least 29 percent of male drivers in these age groups involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time of the crashes.
At least 29 percent of male drivers in these age groups involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time of the crashes. This is compared to 18 percent of female drivers age 15 to 20 and 14 percent age 21 to 24.
Do Road Conditions Impact Speeding Accidents?
A fast car can make difficult driving conditions dangerous and deadly. Deteriorating road conditions contribute to the dangers of speed. In 2018, the National Safety Council reported speeding as a factor in fatal crashes for:
- 16 percent of drivers on dry roads
- 19 percent on wet roads
- 37 percent on roads with snow or slush
- 37 percent on roads with moving or standing water
- 41 percent on roads with ice or frost
- 45 percent on roads with mud, dirt, or gravel
Stay alert when road conditions deteriorate. Always drive with caution.
If you’ve been the victim in an accident caused by another driver’s speeding, you’ll need an experienced car accident lawyer in Las Vegas to protect your rights. Call Anthem Injury Lawyers now to schedule a free case analysis: (702) 857-6000. Our team of car accident lawyers will determine if you have a case. If so, you can rely on us to fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve. Sometimes well-meaning friends may cause you to hesitate to call a lawyer – they offer the advice that maybe you don’t need, or can’t afford a car accident attorney. Call us – we work on a contingency fee basis, so we only get paid when you win. Call now and schedule your free consultation: (702) 857-6000.
Does Alcohol Impact Speeding Accidents?
Alcohol does not mix with driving. Alcohol and speeding can be a deadly combination. In 2018, the National Safety Council reported the following regarding the impact of speeding and alcohol impaired driving (blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more) in fatal crashes.
- 22 percent of speeding drivers under age 21 were alcohol impaired.
- 42 percent of speeding drivers in the 25 to 44 age group were alcohol impaired.
- 32 percent of speeding 55- to 64-year-old drivers were alcohol impaired.
If a speeding driver injures you or a loved one, consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Anthem Injury Lawyers are an experienced team of personal injury lawyers. Our office is in Henderson and we handle personal injury cases all over the Las Vegas area including North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Summerlin. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.

How Does Speeding Impact Nevadans?
Nevada initiated the Nevada Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) to reach zero fatalities. Speed is a priority focus area across Nevada’s Department of Public Safety divisions. In line with this goal, Nevada’s Department of Public Safety provided the below information on the Zero Fatalities website.
- In 2017, 31 percent of fatalities in Nevada were speed related. That’s 95 lives lost, due to speeding.
- In 2018, there were 92 speeding-related fatalities on Nevada roadways.
- Male drivers ages 21 to 35 comprise the largest number of speeding-related crash victims.
- In 2017, 37 percent of all speeding drivers involved in fatal crashes were drunk.
Speeding drivers put all lives at risk. In July 2020, a speed related crash in Las Vegas resulted in the death of a one-year-old child. The child’s mother was driving and it was reported that seconds before the crash the vehicle reached a maximum speed of 121 mph. The car hit another vehicle at an intersection, injuring the driver and killing the child. The driver faces multiple criminal charges.
If a speeding driver injures you or a loved one, consult with an experienced car accident lawyer. Anthem Injury Lawyers are an experienced team of car accident lawyers. We handle complex issues including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and wrongful death. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.
What Are Nevada’s Speed Laws? – Dangers of Speeding
In Nevada, speeding is illegal. Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 484B.600 provides as follows:
- It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate a vehicle of any kind or character at:
- A rate of speed greater than is reasonable or proper, having due regard for the traffic, surface and width of the highway, the weather and other highway conditions.
- Such a rate of speed as to endanger the life, limb or property of any person.
- A rate of speed greater than that posted by a public authority for the particular portion of highway being traversed.
- A rate of speed that results in the injury of another person or of any property.
- In any event, a rate of speed greater than 80 miles per hour.
Speeding is a misdemeanor in Nevada. The fines and penalties can vary based on many factors.
Nevada also has a demerit point system. Demerit points are added to a driver’s license based on traffic tickets and certain other offenses. A driver who accrues 12 or more points in a year receives an automatic license suspension.
The best way to avoid criminal and civil penalties is to not exceed the speed limit and drive with care.
How to Stay Safe Around Speeding Drivers(Dangers of Speeding)
Speeding is a personal choice. Unfortunately, all drivers will encounter a speeding vehicle at some point on the roadways. Use the following tips to stay safe around a speeding driver:
- If you are in the left lane and the car wants to pass, safely move over to the right lane.
- Give a speeding car plenty of space. Speeding vehicles are more difficult to control and may cause an accident.
- If the driver is being aggressive, remain calm. Do not engage. Safely steer your vehicle out of the way of the aggressive driver.
Unfortunately, an accident can injure even the safest driver. If another driver injures you in an accident in Nevada, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer.
Experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers
Has a speed related accident injured you or a loved one? Was it the fault of someone else? If so, you should speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer can give you legal advice and help protect your rights. Our Las Vegas legal team understands that being an accident victim can be one of the most difficult things you will ever face. As you deal with injuries and wonder how to navigate the system, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced lawyer.
Our personal injury lawyers handle all types of motor vehicle accident cases including: car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and bus accidents. Contact Anthem Injury Lawyers today at (702) 857-6000 for a free consultation. We can come to you if your injuries are too severe to allow you to visit our Las Vegas area law offices. Call us and we will arrange your free consultation to discuss your case.