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Chantal Soriano

Chantal Soriano

    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Español

Chantal Soriano

Director of Marketing

    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Español

About Chantal

Chantal Soriano is our Director of Marketing. She plays a pivotal role in overseeing our team of diligent Case Managers, ensuring that every case is executed seamlessly and enhancing our clients’ experiences. Not just behind-the-scenes—Chantal is also hands-on in nearly every case, helping from day one at intakes and assisting the Case Managers and Partners with various aspects of our cases, including securing those top-dollar settlements.

Chantal’s career path started in the Clark County School District, where she cultivated her skills in teamwork and attention to detail. Working for the school district not only sharpened her professional skills but also instilled a deep sense of compassion and empathy for our community. It taught her to understand the hardships people face and the importance of helping one another overcome obstacles. Drawing from her own personal experiences, Chantal brings a unique perspective to our clients and our team, helping them navigate their challenges with empathy and understanding. She is always ready to lend a helping hand wherever she can.

When she’s not tackling the legal realm, you will find Chantal at concerts, indulging in movie nights, exploring new places through travel and maintaining an active lifestyle. However, her greatest joy lies in spending quality time with her son and treasured family. Chantal Soriano is committed to delivering exceptional legal services while cherishing life’s precious moments with her loved ones.

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