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Abilene Garcia-Fuentes

Abilene Garcia Fuentes

    Languages Spoken

  • English

Abilene Garcia-Fuentes


    Languages Spoken

  • English

About Abilene

Abilene Garcia-Fuentes is our receptionist. She will welcome you with a radiant smile as you come into our office. Providing white-glove service to our clients is one the main factors that Abi focuses on the daily to be delivered properly. Pursuing her passion for helping people and been a part of a great team is reflected in each interaction our clients have with Abi.

As a Deferred action for childhood arrival (D.A.C.A) recipient, Abi is very grateful for all the opportunities that this program has allowed her to accomplish. Having 5 years of experience in the medical field and over 10 years of experience in customer service has allowed Abi to gain the knowledge and the abilities to take any hardship with positivity and bravery.  As someone that has also experienced 4 prior accidents and knowing first- hand what the turmoil can be like while going through the recovery process, is the reason why Abi focuses on letting our clients know that they’re not alone and providing reassurance in all aspects when needed.

Abi enjoys spending quality time with her family and dogs in her free time. She also loves to be surrounded by the serenity and tranquility of a beach or the mountains. As well one of her biggest passions is to keep working on making all cultures feel inclusive in all aspects on a daily basis.

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